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Hypnotherapy can help you...

Heal Grief & Loss
Overcome Trauma
Resolve Stress & Anxiety
Reduce or Eliminate Physical Symptoms
Lose Weight
Manage Pain
Attain Peak Performance
And Much More..
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Deb Larson
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Available for both video call or in person sessions

We watch our client's lives change right before our eyes

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Hypnotherapy In The News

Meet your Hypnotherapists

Deb Larson, CCHt & CTHt

Deb is a highly skilled Certified Interpersonal, Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist with well over 500 hours of training from the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy (IIH), a superior state-licensed school of Hypnotherapy in FL. She is also a member in good standing with The International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists (IAIH).

‍As your hypnotherapist, Deb will hold space for you with compassion and flexibility in order to help you attain understanding, resolution, and healing, as you ultimately reach your goals.

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Learn more about Deb

Aaron Larson, CCHt & CTHt

Aaron is also a certified Certified Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist who graduated from the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy in Florida. With his extensive training and experience, Aaron is more than qualified to help you deal with any issues you may be struggling with.

‍Time and again, Aaron has witnessed life-altering transformation in clients through hypnotherapy and is confident that the process can work for anyone with the right motivation, whether it’s to stop doing, feeling, experiencing something, or to reach a goal.

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Learn more about Aaron
Every person is a unique being with a different perspective of the world because of their experiences from birth through childhood, which are often compounded in adulthood.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in a nutshell...

The ultimate goal of hypnotherapy is to create positive change in an individual utilizing the client's own resources according to their needs and desires.

Hypnotherapy utilizes hypnosis and other incredibly effective modalities to improve the quality of your life, your health, your fears, and your performance.

Hypnosis is a trance state characterized by deep relaxation, acute inward focus, and heightened imagination. It's a natural, yet altered state of mind that each of us experiences every single day.

Learn more about hypnotherapy

The Science Behind Hypnotherapy

Recovery after only 6 sessions
Recovery after more than 500 sessions
Recovery after only 6 sessions
Recovery after more than 500 sessions
Hypnosis & Anxiety (Sunnen, 2016)

Research on Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & More

Research has shown that hypnosis is particularly beneficial in treating anxiety as well as the issues that people develop in response to their anxiety. These may include fears such as public speaking, flying, and test taking as well as phobias to needles, animals, or other anxiety-provoking stimuli. Generally, people become fearful of the stimuli as well as their somatic reaction to it. Our method works by altering the way one views the fear, while calming a person’s reaction to that fear.

To read research related to hypnosis and integrative therapy for treating anxiety and related struggles, please visit the scholarly articles below:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Carl Jung – renowned psychiatrist and hypnotist

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Your best self is already inside of you and waiting to be realized. Hypnotherapy can help you with every aspect of your life... physical and mental health, relationships, career, & spirituality.

Hypnotherapy can help you...

If you don't see your needs mentioned here, just connect and ask. We'll be glad to discuss how we can help during a 15 minute free consultation.

• Develop awareness and intuition

• Gain insight and understanding of self

• Discover negative mental patterns and how they affect you

• Identify and re-frame old limiting ideas

• Explore and resolve root causes of problems

• Reduce conflict and stress

• Free yourself from hostility, resentment, fear of rejection

• Elevate positive feelings & thoughts

• Master emotional expression

• Feel worthwhile, self-confident and full of life

• Become empowered and communicate with confidence

• Enhance your home life; become a better partner, parent & friend

• Attract and maintain worthwhile friendships & relationships

• Learn to make healthy decisions, gain health and well-being

• Strengthen a sense of self-control

• Reduce or eliminate symptoms

• Regain your natural ability to sleep easily

• Improve focus, concentration & motivation

• Overcome procrastination

• Determine your goals & realize them

• Identify choices & solutions

• Meet your full potential

• Find meaning and purpose in your life

• Promote yourself, your ideas, and your services with confidence and enthusiasm

• Increase your income

• Develop awareness and intuition

Services: Issues, Symptoms, & Behaviors we can help with...

Hypnotherapy can help reduce or alleviate a variety of issues, such as, but not limited to, psychological distress, phobias, and unhealthy, destructive, or dangerous habits (i.e. smoking and/or drinking). It can help you improve, stop, start or change a myriad of issues, behaviors and symptoms.

Using powerful hypnotherapy protocols, we'll work together to find solutions to whatever issue you would like to resolve. Many of our clients have tried everything before seeking help with hypnotherapy and find themselves amazed at how their lives are transformed through the process.

Sessions are completely private and confidential and our hypnotherapist will gladly work with your medical or mental health care providers to complement their care and enhance your results.

Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Stress, anxious thoughts and depressed feelings can rule our lives and affect our health if we don’t address them. Learn more about how hypnotherapy works to resolve underlying subconscious beliefs and emotions that cause stress, anxiety and depression.

You don’t have to go another day with unresolved stress, anxious thoughts, or depressed feelings. Find inner peace now with hypnotherapy.

Overcome Creativity Blocks

You are not alone if you are experience creativity, or artist, block! It does not matter what type of artist you are… we are all susceptible to creativity block at one time or another. Hypnotherapy can help transform this mental block so you can get out of your own way and let the creativity flow once again.

You don’t have to go another day with creativity block. Reclaim your mojo and be free to pursue your passion with hypnotherapy.

Overcome Trauma

Trauma can be a result of a one time hurtful event or a harmful experience that occurred over a period of time. Many people don’t realize that issues like low-self esteem, negative emotions, limiting and harmful behaviors, and problems in relationships are often directly related to previous traumatic experiences.
Reclaim a positive sense of self and re-frame distressing memories with hypnotherapy, so you can live the life you want.  

Fears & Phobias

Stress, fear, and anxiety can rule our lives if we don’t address them. Countless people across the world don’t travel the globe like they want to because they’re afraid of flying, or they won’t swim in the ocean because sharks terrify them. When we don’t understand our fears or worries, we let them control us and keep us from living the life we want.
Address your fears and phobias at the subconscious level with hypnotherapy, so they won’t rule your life anymore.

Confidence & Self-Esteem

When we have either low self-esteem or self-confidence, the world can seem difficult to navigate, and personal or professional challenges can feel overwhelming. Regardless of how or when low self-esteem started, it can leave us feeling unable to move forward in our lives. Hypnotherapy can help you become confident in your abilities and achievements, and raise your self-esteem.
Realize your best self by addressing the underlying causes of confidence and self-esteem issues with hypnotherapy.

Weight Loss

While a healthy diet and exercise are important, they are not always enough to provide the results you want to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. Hypnotherapy can help you resolve the underlying reasons why you make the choices you do when it comes to eating.  
Make the needed changes in your mind and body with hypnotherapy to become a healthier, happier, slimmer, more successful you!  

Quit Smoking & Vaping

Not only are smoking and vaping bad for our health, being one of the leading causes of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, they’re expensive, too! Yet there are many reasons why people smoke… habit, stress-relief, socially, work breaks, and others.
Quit smoking and vaping by addressing the psychological aspects of your habit with hypnotherapy and resolve your underlying motivations for smoking and vaping.

Sports Performance

Your mental state can play a huge part in your sports performance. No matter what sport you play, inability to focus during your game and lack of self-confidence in your ability are often the culprits when it comes to athletic struggles and frustrations.
Enhance your sports performance with hypnotherapy, so you can stay focused and consistently get in the zone during practice and game time.  

Addictive Behaviors

Some behaviors, like watching too much television rather than being productive, may seem harmless, yet can be limiting when they keep us from reaching our goals. Other behaviors like drinking everyday, can start out as harmless, but can become harmful before you know it. Addictive behaviors can be attempts to avoid negative emotions, thoughts and memories.
Break the cycle of limiting and harmful behaviors and develop new healthy habits with hypnotherapy.

Life Mastery

Sometimes, life can get a bit overwhelming. You may know that your life is not working as it is, and aren’t sure what you want to do differently or how to make positive lasting change. Or perhaps, you have goals, and yet you suffer from issues like  procrastination, time management, and motivation. Maybe you just want to increase your income potential.
Hypnotherapy can help you find meaning in your life , determine your purpose, set and achieve goals, create new habits, and get out of your own way.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is based on the concept of clear the mind, clear the body. It is widely believed that the mind and body function as one, and we store our emotions in our body, so unresolved negative thoughts or beliefs created by negative experiences can manifest in the body as symptoms.
Clinical hypnotherapy can help you manage pain, minimize or resolve symptoms, and recover faster from disease and injury.

Past-life Hypnotherapy

Past life regression, inter-life, and life between lives, and natal regression can all be remarkable healing modalities to help clients heal current day issues. Whether seen as a spiritual experience or thought of as a metaphor or dream, there is something powerful to learn from this type of hypnotherapy experience.
Past-life hypnotherapy can bring about a sense of inner peace, remarkable healing and positive transformation.

Grief & Loss

Grief is a reaction to any loss. People usually picture losing a loved one when they think of grief and loss. Yet, grief can also result from the loss of a job, physical abilities, a marriage, or countless other experiences. While it is important to experience some or all stages of grief so that your mind can appropriately process the loss, hypnotherapy can assist you in your grieving process, especially if you are feeling stuck.
Hypnotherapy can help you understand and deal with grief and loss of any kind.

Sleep Loss

Do you find yourself lying in bed many nights trying to get to sleep, tossing and turning? Do you try to force yourself to sleep with counting or some other distraction? Do you wake up during the middle of the night worrying about the day before or the day to come?
Hypnotherapy can help you get better sleep by addressing the underlying cause of your worries and resolving the anxious feelings attached to sleep loss.

Internal Conflict

We all experience internal conflict in small and large ways throughout the day. For instance, part of us may want to change our career, and another part may be afraid of the unknown. Inner conflict can cause us to freeze with indecision, keeping us from being able to make important life choices or a needed change for your health.
Hypnotherapy can help resolve inner conflict, especially when it is causing you discomfort and keeping you from achieving your goals.


Hypnotherapy can help you understand, resolve, and let go of past unhealthy relationship dynamics that affect how you participate in all of your present day relationships. It can also help you better understand what is holding you back from feeling more secure and confident in your relationships and uncover blocks so you can move forward.
Bring joy and peace to your romantic relationships, partnerships, friends, and family as you become your best self. with hypnotherapty.

It’s easy to take the next step.

Click the Free Phone Consultation button and schedule a time for one of our hypnotherapists to call you.
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Most Common Questions

You might have questions if you’re considering hypnotherapy for the first time. We hope the following FAQs will help set your mind at ease and help you realize that hypnotherapy may be just what you need to solve your issues once and for all!

View Questions & Answers

What does hypnosis feel like?

Although the term hypnosis is derived from the Greek word for sleep, hypnosis is not actually sleep. As a clinical experience, hypnosis is simply a deep state of relaxation and amplified inward focus and concentration.

When in light to medium states of hypnosis, your brain waves are in the alpha state which is similar to just before you fall asleep and when you are just waking up.

Like other states of consciousness—such as normal waking consciousness, sleep, dreaming, and intoxication from various drugs—the experience of hypnosis is unique to the person experiencing it. So although there are features of the hypnotic state that are common among people who are hypnotized, it is never exactly the same from one person to another, nor is it the same each time the same person is hypnotized. It depends highly on the client's desire to relax and choice to follow the hypnotherapist's suggestions.

Does hypnosis really work?

The issues, behaviors and symptoms that Hypnotherapy is known to transform are endless. There is so much research to demonstrate the efficacy of hypnotherapy that it is impossible to list it all here. Please see the efficacy and research section of this website.

Research backs hypnotherapy as a treatment for physical problems such as pain management, fibromyalgia, IBS and other gastrointestinal difficulties, migraines, and much more.

It's also demonstrated effective tool to assist with accomplishing personal goals like test-taking, sports performance enhancement, confidence and self-esteem building, getting over stage fright and public speaking fears, etc., and habit changes, like quitting smoking, losing weight, stopping nail biting, etc.

Hypnotherapy is also a remarkable modality known to help client's relax, manage stress, and overcome fears and phobias, as well as increase intimacy, improve communication, and manage emotions (i.e. anger, depression or anxiety, etc).

Why does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis allows us to bypass the critical factor in the conscious mind and access your subconscious mind where all of your learned emotional responses, unhelpful beliefs and memories are stored. In other words, hypnosis allows us direct access to uncover whatever is sabotaging your highest intentions and keeping you from living the life you desire.

Research shows that the mind is connected to the body, meaning the body immediately responds with a physiological response, or a felt sense, to both positive and negative thoughts and emotions. Hypnosis creates the perfect state for awareness of that felt sense, as the hypnotherapist also helps the client understand the cause of that felt sense. That felt sense becomes a gauge for the hypnotherapist to measure positive change during the session. The client also learns to listen to their body felt senses as a signal to address any negative thoughts and emotions before they impact their physical and mental health.

Hypnosis is a pathway to learning. Our subconscious mind has many learned negative behaviors (habits) from years of reinforcement. During hypnosis, these behaviors are deconstructed before we introduce healthier behaviors (choices) during hypnosis. We are actually creating new neural pathways after we disconnect the old negative thought loops and transform them with powerful protocols and positive suggestions and visualizations.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Hypnosis is simply a process of natural experience and learning, so most people can be hypnotized as long as they choose to relax, to learn, accept suggestions, and to be creative.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, in that it's up to you to want change, to choose to follow your hypnotherapist's suggestions, and to choose to relax. Simply want hypnosis to work and it will.

If for some reason you are distracted or have concerns that keep you from concentrating, simply let your hypnotherapist know and they will be happy to guide you into a process of hypnosis that is more comfortable or secure for you.

Of course, mood altering drugs can affect your mind’s ability to follow directions, relax or experience hypnosis. For this reason, you should never use any mood altering drugs prior to any hypnosis session, and you should report any medications you are currently taking to your hypnotherapist.

Is hypnosis an “altered state of consciousness?

Hypnosis purposefully induces the alpha or theta brave wave states, or light to deep states of hypnosis, depending on the issue being addressed. It is a natural, yet altered state of mind similar to a phenomena that occurs in everyone’s life like when you are just falling asleep and you know you could open your eyes and get up, but it feels so good you simply choose not to, or when you get in your car after work and drive the 30 minutes home, and then wonder if you actually stopped at all the stoplights along the way.

In this natural, yet altered state of consciousness, your mind and body are deeply relaxed, yet you will experience a hyper-focused inward focus that allows you to circumvent your conscious critical mind.

Is hypnosis anti-religious?

Hypnosis is a totally natural state; it is safe, effective and has no side effects. We simply utilize our mind's natural ability to create healthy bodies and make healthy decisions with natural, safe, and effective methods of problem resolution to make our lives better.

It is important to realize that all characteristics of hypnosis naturally occur all the time, for everyone throughout the day. In ordinary life, we use the creative part of the mind, we accomplish tasks by utilizing the subconscious learnings of our mind, and we experience states of relaxation. In clinical hypnosis, we are simply using the ordinary mental processes of the subconscious mind in a systemic way to solve problems that are destructive in life.

In hypnosis you are always fully aware and fully in control. You can not be made to do anything thing that would be against your morals or ethics. You can always reject a suggestion given, but all suggestions, affirmations and visualizations are co-created by the client and their hypnotherapist.

Some religious groups use trance for meditation or attaining “spiritual enlightenment,” yet in hypnotherapy, the only religious beliefs that are spoken of are that of the client's in order to meet the client from their own philosophical world view.

We simply use the natural functions of concentration, relaxation, and the natural abilities of our subconscious mind to resolve difficulties that have caused us problems in life. This is something any healthy religion would actually encourage people to do.

How many sessions should I expect?

Our goal is to help you meet your desired goals as quickly as possible, so you can get on with your new healthy, happy life. Initially, you will be asked to commit to 3 sessions. Then you can decide if you want to schedule single follow-up sessions or purchase a package of 3, 5 or 10 at discounted rates.

What is a hypnosis session like?

Your personal relaxation, well-being, and sense of comfort are our greatest concerns. When you come for your session, you will see that we offer other wellness modalities in our center, which you are welcome to explore with a free tour at your request and convenience, with no expectations or obligations.

Your hypnotherapy session will begin as we explore the issue you would like to resolve and determine your goals. During the entire session your hypnotherapist will be glad to answer any questions or concerns you may have and will continuously explain what's happening as we go along. You will enjoy the comfort of a recliner where you will experience deep relaxation and acute inward focus from the hypnotic process, before moving through a powerful protocol.

It's important to know that every session is about your needs and desires. The Hypnotherapist's role is to guide you to realize your highest intentions and potential. Through a series of questions, your innate wisdom will surface and after a powerful healing process, your hypnotherapist will deliver your own words back to you with repetition so that your subconscious will have time to re-absorb it's own wisdom.

During the hypnotic session, the office lights may be dimmed, but they are always on and you will be offered water and a cozy throw for comfort. Anytime a restroom break is needed, just ask, no problem. Even if you are in the hypnotic state, your hypnotherapist can count you up and then return you to hypnosis.

Most first sessions are meant to gently introduce you to hypnotherapy and create momentum for powerful positive transformation. A hypnotic programming recording will be sent to you via email following the session. Follow-up sessions will depend on where you are in respect to your goals what you have observed in the time between sessions.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnotherapy is completely safe. Your comfort is of the utmost importance to us. The majority of people report feeling invigorated, energetic, relaxed and happy.

Please note: If you are being treated with psychotropic medications or have certain psychiatric diagnoses, you will want to share this with your hypnotherapist, but hypnosis is generally viewed as a safe process with no side effects.

Am I under the control of another person?

You are in full control at all times. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis; a hypnotist merely guides you into your own experience of deep relaxation and acute focus.

A good analogy is that of the hypnotist sitting in the passenger seat of a car, reading map directions to the driver (the client). The driver can listen and follow the suggestions given by the passenger, or they can choose to go their own way, because the driver is always in control.

A person who is hypnotized can open their eyes at any time, and the hypnotist cannot make someone do something that they otherwise would not want to do.

Are hypnosis sessions confidential?

Larson Hypnotherapy will release no information about our clients or their sessions to anyone without the client’s express written permission. We treat your information just as any doctor’s office would – with strict confidentiality.

Do you accept insurance?

We do not file insurance claims on behalf of our clients, however we will give you a receipt for the services we provide, and some insurance companies may reimburse you for the cost of our services. Some employers may pay for certain programs, up front or through reimbursement, however, that is something you must work out with your employer.

All services provided must be paid in full, in advance, unless prior arrangements have been made. We accept Master Card, Discover Card, Visa, and American Express.

You can also check with your insurance company to see if you can use your health savings account to pay for the sessions tax free.

Do you work with other providers of healthcare?

At Larson Hypnotherapy we value the therapeutic relationship other professionals have with their clients. When warranted we can work with other professionals collaboratively to help resolve specific issues.

We do not offer services that are a substitute for medical, chiropractic, dental or psychological care, instead, we prefer to work collaboratively with those who refer to us, and we refer clients who need additional care beyond our scope of practice to other licensed professionals.

If you have a diagnosed medical issue, you will need to request a referral from your doctor if we are working on that specific symptom.

Session information

Learn more about hypnotherapy sessions and how they work.

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The Science and Efficacy of Hypnotherapy

As hypnotherapy becomes more mainstream, scientific research from leading medical research institutions such as Stanford University, YaleUniversity, and Mayo Clinic are close behind in verifying the benefits. A study was conducted a study alongside Dr. Keerthy Sunder and Samantha Franklin of the Mind and Body Research Institute in which we assigned seven days of hypnosis to 100 participants. Of the 35 participants that completed all seven days correctly, we saw:

54.5 %
Decrease in Depression
51.5 %
Decrease in Procrastination
45.4 %
Decrease in Stress
32 %
Increase in Happiness
27 %
Increase in Satisfaction
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©2021, Larson Hypnotherapy and Wellness