Hypnotherapy can help you succeed with weight loss. Gain Control Of Your Mind and Body

While a healthy diet and exercise are important, they are not always enough to provide the results you want to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. Hypnotherapy may be the missing piece you need for those results.

Hypnotherapy can help you make the needed changes in your mind and body for a healthier, happier, slimmer more successful you!

Motivate and energize yourself into making good, healthy choices: eating good and healthy foods, exercising and being active, taking time for yourself, relaxing and getting the proper amount of sleep!

At Larson Hypnotherapy, sessions are customized to help clients achieve life-changing transformation, no matter the issue.

As co-creators, our clients are empowered to create their own positive change according to their specific needs and desires. Powerful transformation occurs easily and effortlessly with hypnotherapy as clients gain a better understanding of the root of their unhealthy habits, learn to re-frame old restrictive beliefs, and resolve mental blocks keeping them from reaching their goals.

We work with our clients to change the idea that food equals love and comfort to... a healthy lifestyle equals love and comfort.

Many people associate food with love and comfort, so it’s something they do to feel better. Stress, worry, and sadness can all lead to overeating or partaking in "comfort foods" that are normally very unhealthy and full of salts, fats, and sugars, even though the person isn't really hungry. Have you heard of the phrase "eating your feelings"?

With hypnotherapy, we can help resolve negative feelings and beliefs about food and help the client have a healthier relationship with food.

Many people carry unhealthy eating habits from their childhood well into their adulthood. For example, someone punished at a very young age for not eating all of their meal may subconsciously associate the negative feelings of being punished with not clearing their plate well into adulthood. So, rather than choosing to stop eating when they are full, they may continue to eat until their food is gone, leading to weight gain.

In addition to negative feelings associated with punishment, many people feel guilty about uneaten food on their plates. They feel like they’re wasting it, so rather than throwing it away, they continue to eat, even to the point where they feel sick or uncomfortable. They may also beat themselves up afterward.

Some people may also struggle with feelings of scarcity that stem from their childhood. This can lead to all kinds of what can often be irrational negative emotions including panic or feeling out of control in reference to when they'll eat next or whether there is enough.

At Larson Hypnotherapy, every session is handled with non-judgment and compassion. Our mission is to help you relax and leave our office feeling hopeful and well on your way to positive transformation.

Whatever the hurdle our client is facing, our intention is to meet them where they are at and co-create a solid foundation to kick-start their transformative weight loss journey.

It's truly amazing to witness our clients make connections as they gain the understanding that they have many choices.

You don't have to go another day feeling hopeless or out of control. Find your inner peace and strength now with hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy Works!

To learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you lose weight, or other issues, symptoms and behaviors, contact Larson Hypnotherapy today for a free 30-minute phone consultation!

It’s easy to take the next step.

Click the Free Phone Consultation button and schedule a time for one of our hypnotherapists to call you.
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©2021, Larson Hypnotherapy and Wellness