Services: Issues, Symptoms, & Behaviors we can help with...

Hypnotherapy can help reduce or alleviate a variety of issues, such as, but not limited to, psychological distress, phobias, and unhealthy, destructive, or dangerous habits (i.e. smoking and/or drinking). It can help you improve, stop, start or change a myriad of issues, behaviors and symptoms.

Using powerful hypnotherapy protocols, we'll work together to find solutions to whatever issue you would like to resolve. Many of our clients have tried everything before seeking help with hypnotherapy and find themselves amazed at how their lives are transformed through the process.

Sessions are completely private and confidential and our hypnotherapist will gladly work with your medical or mental health care providers to complement their care and enhance your results.

Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Stress, anxious thoughts and depressed feelings can rule our lives and affect our health if we don’t address them. Learn more about how hypnotherapy works to resolve underlying subconscious beliefs and emotions that cause stress, anxiety and depression.

You don’t have to go another day with unresolved stress, anxious thoughts, or depressed feelings. Find inner peace now with hypnotherapy.

Overcome Creativity Blocks

You are not alone if you are experience creativity, or artist, block! It does not matter what type of artist you are… we are all susceptible to creativity block at one time or another. Hypnotherapy can help transform this mental block so you can get out of your own way and let the creativity flow once again.

You don’t have to go another day with creativity block. Reclaim your mojo and be free to pursue your passion with hypnotherapy.

Overcome Trauma

Trauma can be a result of a one time hurtful event or a harmful experience that occurred over a period of time. Many people don’t realize that issues like low-self esteem, negative emotions, limiting and harmful behaviors, and problems in relationships are often directly related to previous traumatic experiences.
Reclaim a positive sense of self and re-frame distressing memories with hypnotherapy, so you can live the life you want.  

Fears & Phobias

Stress, fear, and anxiety can rule our lives if we don’t address them. Countless people across the world don’t travel the globe like they want to because they’re afraid of flying, or they won’t swim in the ocean because sharks terrify them. When we don’t understand our fears or worries, we let them control us and keep us from living the life we want.
Address your fears and phobias at the subconscious level with hypnotherapy, so they won’t rule your life anymore.

Confidence & Self-Esteem

When we have either low self-esteem or self-confidence, the world can seem difficult to navigate, and personal or professional challenges can feel overwhelming. Regardless of how or when low self-esteem started, it can leave us feeling unable to move forward in our lives. Hypnotherapy can help you become confident in your abilities and achievements, and raise your self-esteem.
Realize your best self by addressing the underlying causes of confidence and self-esteem issues with hypnotherapy.

Weight Loss

While a healthy diet and exercise are important, they are not always enough to provide the results you want to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. Hypnotherapy can help you resolve the underlying reasons why you make the choices you do when it comes to eating.  
Make the needed changes in your mind and body with hypnotherapy to become a healthier, happier, slimmer, more successful you!  

Quit Smoking & Vaping

Not only are smoking and vaping bad for our health, being one of the leading causes of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases, they’re expensive, too! Yet there are many reasons why people smoke… habit, stress-relief, socially, work breaks, and others.
Quit smoking and vaping by addressing the psychological aspects of your habit with hypnotherapy and resolve your underlying motivations for smoking and vaping.

Sports Performance

Your mental state can play a huge part in your sports performance. No matter what sport you play, inability to focus during your game and lack of self-confidence in your ability are often the culprits when it comes to athletic struggles and frustrations.
Enhance your sports performance with hypnotherapy, so you can stay focused and consistently get in the zone during practice and game time.  

Addictive Behaviors

Some behaviors, like watching too much television rather than being productive, may seem harmless, yet can be limiting when they keep us from reaching our goals. Other behaviors like drinking everyday, can start out as harmless, but can become harmful before you know it. Addictive behaviors can be attempts to avoid negative emotions, thoughts and memories.
Break the cycle of limiting and harmful behaviors and develop new healthy habits with hypnotherapy.

Life Mastery

Sometimes, life can get a bit overwhelming. You may know that your life is not working as it is, and aren’t sure what you want to do differently or how to make positive lasting change. Or perhaps, you have goals, and yet you suffer from issues like  procrastination, time management, and motivation. Maybe you just want to increase your income potential.
Hypnotherapy can help you find meaning in your life , determine your purpose, set and achieve goals, create new habits, and get out of your own way.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is based on the concept of clear the mind, clear the body. It is widely believed that the mind and body function as one, and we store our emotions in our body, so unresolved negative thoughts or beliefs created by negative experiences can manifest in the body as symptoms.
Clinical hypnotherapy can help you manage pain, minimize or resolve symptoms, and recover faster from disease and injury.

Past-life Hypnotherapy

Past life regression, inter-life, and life between lives, and natal regression can all be remarkable healing modalities to help clients heal current day issues. Whether seen as a spiritual experience or thought of as a metaphor or dream, there is something powerful to learn from this type of hypnotherapy experience.
Past-life hypnotherapy can bring about a sense of inner peace, remarkable healing and positive transformation.

Grief & Loss

Grief is a reaction to any loss. People usually picture losing a loved one when they think of grief and loss. Yet, grief can also result from the loss of a job, physical abilities, a marriage, or countless other experiences. While it is important to experience some or all stages of grief so that your mind can appropriately process the loss, hypnotherapy can assist you in your grieving process, especially if you are feeling stuck.
Hypnotherapy can help you understand and deal with grief and loss of any kind.

Sleep Loss

Do you find yourself lying in bed many nights trying to get to sleep, tossing and turning? Do you try to force yourself to sleep with counting or some other distraction? Do you wake up during the middle of the night worrying about the day before or the day to come?
Hypnotherapy can help you get better sleep by addressing the underlying cause of your worries and resolving the anxious feelings attached to sleep loss.

Internal Conflict

We all experience internal conflict in small and large ways throughout the day. For instance, part of us may want to change our career, and another part may be afraid of the unknown. Inner conflict can cause us to freeze with indecision, keeping us from being able to make important life choices or a needed change for your health.
Hypnotherapy can help resolve inner conflict, especially when it is causing you discomfort and keeping you from achieving your goals.


Hypnotherapy can help you understand, resolve, and let go of past unhealthy relationship dynamics that affect how you participate in all of your present day relationships. It can also help you better understand what is holding you back from feeling more secure and confident in your relationships and uncover blocks so you can move forward.
Bring joy and peace to your romantic relationships, partnerships, friends, and family as you become your best self. with hypnotherapty.

It’s easy to take the next step.

Click the Free Phone Consultation button and schedule a time for one of our hypnotherapists to call you.
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©2021, Larson Hypnotherapy and Wellness